Enjoy Doyal Baba from YouTube
Please have a look at the Stage show of Doyal Baba song :
Enjoy ;)
Focusing different issues from different point of views and suggesting some advices, asking some feedback. Case study on different human thoughts and imagination..
Please have a look at the Stage show of Doyal Baba song :
Enjoy ;)
Square Hospital commercials urging foreign trained Bangladeshi physicians to return to Bangladesh.
It's really a touching video that SQAURE Commercial made. They made it in perspective of the Foreign Trained Physicians. But i would like to say all foreign residents to think like that. Lets build our own country by our own better thoughts without fighting and arguing on present political situation. Try to feel the video and realize. Thanks again to SQUARE Commercials. It's a good starting!
Posted by Tahmid Munaz at Wednesday, November 22, 2006 0 comments
Never take some one for granted,Hold every person Close to your Heart because you might wake up one day and realise that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones." Remember this always in life. |
Today i saw a post in Odhora Yahoo Group where someone has posted about Afganistani Terrorism. Please read the following Post Content i am pasting to share with you all.
Did you know that:
a.. USA supported Bin Laden and the Taliban for
years, and viewed them as
freedom fighters against the Russians?
b.. As late as 1998, the US was paying the salary of
every single Taliban
official in Afghanistan ?
c.. There is more oil and gas in the Caspian Sea ,
but you need a pipeline
through Afghanistan to get that out?
d.. UNOCAL, a giant oil conglomerate, wanted to
build a 1000 mile pipeline
from the Caspian Sea through Afghanistan to the
Arabian Sea?
e.. UNOCAL spend $ 10,000,000,000 on geological
&nb sp; studies for the pipeline
construction, and courted the Taliban for their
support in allowing the construction to begin?
f.. All leading Taliban officials were in Texas
negotiating with UNOCAL in 1998?
g. In 1999, Taliban changed its mind and threw
UNOCAL out of the country
and awarded the pipeline project to a company in Argentina?
h.. John Maresca, VP of UNOCAL testified before
Congress and said no
pipeline should be set until the Taliban was gone
and a more friendly government
was established?
i.. After 1999, the Taliban became the most evil
people in the world
j. In 2001, Bush declares war against Afghanistan ,
though not a single
Afghani was involved in the plane hijacking?
k.. Bush blamed Bin Lade n, but did not offer any
proof, saying it was confidential?
l.. Talibans offered to hand over Bin Laden if there
was proof, but Bush
bombed Afghanistan instead?
m.. We now have a new government in Afghanistan ,
which is friendlier?
n.. That the leader of the new government is one
gentleman called Hamid
Karzai, who formerly worked for UNOCAL?
o.. Bush appoints a special envoy (Lakhdar Ibrahimi)
to represent the US
to deal with the new government. This special envoy
was formerly chief
consultant to UNOCAL?
p.. The US government quietly announces in January
2002 that it will
support the Trans-Afghan pipeline construction?
q.. President Musharraf and Hamid Karzai announce
agreement in February
2002 to build proposed gas pipeline from Central
Asia to Pakistan through Afghanistan?
And you thought we were fighting terrorism
here, didn't you? :)
Now the question to everyone.. Are we really able to know the Real mystery?
It was just few days just after we passed one (1) whole month of Ramadan. And after the month of Ramadan passed we enjoyed the days of Eid. People whatever his religion was ( Hindu, Mslim, Chirstian, Buddho) enjoyed the holidays with family and relatives and most of them passed times in good. But suddenly just after 3 days in 28th October 2006. A political coallision occured and a messup occured into the whole country (Bangladesh). It was really something unexpected, but expected to the person who were the key person leading the messup and violance.
Did you ever saw people killing or bitting a human beign as like killing a snake? Can you believe that people could be so rude? Are they human? Were their eyes open? Were they blind, so much that they didn't even feel what they were doing? How could a person kill another person so easily without thinking any other option? Are we really human beign living in this Country? Are we the puppet of the corrupted Politics in Bangladesh? What is our future? What will our future generation learn from these scene?
I am really sorry for Bangladeshi people who are still living in this country, the person who wants to get back to home and sattle down in his own motherland with new business and new development plan, feel sorry for the the Bangladeshi patriots, feel sorry for the Freedom fighters fought in 1971 and the person who died for the Independence. Are we really free? Independent to have our own choice? Is this called Freedom? This is the way of using Freedom?
Posted by Tahmid Munaz at Wednesday, November 01, 2006 3 comments
28th October,