Student Politics - YES or No?
Suddenly surfing in internet i stopped by a Blog and got few of that author's (Tanvir) articles interesting to me. Here i am sharing one of his post: "Student Politics Dispute" and my reply which you might feel interested to read: See my Comment here
Here i am pasting my Comment:
Please feel free to comment or add comment to his (Tanvir's) post

Say YES or NO with your own logic!
Nice to see your Blog full of interesting topics
Just a simple question… How many 1st Generation Countries really have Student Politics in their Top Ranking Universities?
Can you go back to the history of Dhaka University? What it was and where is it now? Dhaka University was one of the Top Ranked universities Once upon a time! I don’t support that Student Politics which creates Corrupted Students, Session Jam or Faculties to be supporting different parties and Politics involved in Study and Guidance! If this Student Politics is the barrier of our future Leaders then why don’t we stop Student Politics!
At our past we didn’t look for the Leaders by promoting Student Politics! They were built by their spirit! They are not the Output of Student Politics Practice! But i should say that they had that Leadership and that’s how now we can’t forget them and still can’t think without Student Politics.
Leadership doesn’t mean always to Lead a Political Party. It could be running a Business, innovation of something new, Engineering new Technology, innovation of a new Medication, could be even in Leading a big Armed Forces! Do we need Student Politics in Army or Air Force or Navy? Now it sounds funny right?
How could you expect of a Computer Science Student or Math Student involved in Student Politics?
Computer Science could teach you a different Leadership Technique where you will be learning to be Team leads and sometimes Project Manager, and someday may be as a CTO or CEO of a Software Company. Do you think my Political Leadership Knowledge will help me to come up with better Codes? or Quality Software? or Better Requirement Analysis Report ? or some other better Algorithm? or something to get a job in Google or Microsoft?
It’s not that without Student Politics i am not learning any Leadership! Dr. Yunus! Was he a Student Politician? But how did he contribute to the Country? That’s what i should call the Leadership! He leaded us to a Fame and Name of PEACE! We are proud of him! He could be a good leader whenever we want him.
Did you ever thought from Root level? This Student Politics influence is more visible in Universities but did we ever thought the Influence works or starts from the School or College level?
Let me share a valuable reply of one of my School Life Gang star!
(I don’t know where is he now, last time i met in 2001/2002)
Gang-staring in School and College are just nothing without the bad influence of our Student Politics of Universities! We loose more then 35% students from our total School and College level who motivates them as a Student Politician and becomes the Gangs of Corrupted Politicians!
Lets Stop thinking in the old Corrupted ways!
- By Tahmid MunazLets Say No to Student Politics for sake of OUR Development and lets solve the Session Jam, be more productive and competent to the other Business Companies of the World!
Compete with the 1st Generation Countries in better ways!