Saturday, January 12, 2008

Women has their own rights to use HeadScarf/Hijab

If there is something called "Human Rights" or "Women Rights" - then why not Muslim/Non-Muslim women are allowed to use HeadScarf/Hijab? Aren't they human at all?

Hijab is Freedom not Oppression

Today i got an alert from Facebook groups as below:

Subject: Call for international solidarity for headscarf/hijab

Dear friends,

Assalamu alaikum,

As you know, there are many groups related to the subject of hijab on facebook. With this message I would like to invite you to join and support a very important one among them. This groups aims at contributing to the solidarity and the exchange of experiences among those who are subject to the headscarf bans in Turkey and other countries in the world. Please join and invite your fiends also.

JazakaAllah khairan and thank you.

Group link :

Note : How to invite your fiends
When you enter the main page of the group grom this link you will click on “Invite People to Join" on the right hand side. A new page will open and you will select the names of your friends and then click on "Send Invitations".
Thank you for your contributions.

Woman playing Rugby wearing Hijab

Muslim woman prefers to shave than abandon headscarf

No headscarf allowed - FIFA

Don't you think women has their own rights to use HeadScarf/Hijab?

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